Friday, November 2, 2012


Last weekend Eric and I headed down to southern Iowa again. Pulling into the land we hunt, we watched a monster walk right into the area where Eric would be hunting in the morning! Hopes were high. After sitting all weekend I saw 11 bucks and over 100 does, but didn’t even draw my bow once. I saw a very good buck coming down the fence line, but he never came in range.
This brings us to the last night of the hunt. I decided to change it up and hunt on the ground (which I never do during bow season), and hunt in a fence row. I built a blind out of cedar branches and got settled. It was a slow night, and I only saw one buck, a fork, and let him walk. As darkness approached I heard something coming up right behind me. I peeked out of the corner of my eye to see the two ears of a rabbit coming through the long grass towards me. I’ve always liked rabbits (they are cuddly creatures) and welcomed his presence. But to my horror as it crawled into my blind with me, my cute little bunny morphed into a big old skunk! I must have mistaken the stripes on its head for rabbit ears. The skunk walked right up to my foot, smelled it, and then turned and pointed the danger end right at my face! You think shooting a big buck gives you adrenaline?! Well, staring at a skunk’s hind end that’s 2 feet from you while your back is up against a fence, now THAT is adrenaline! My heart was beating so hard, and I didn’t know what to do! I realized that I had to take it like a man, so keeping my eyes and mouth shut I sat there and thought of how Eric was going to be just thrilled to ride the 2 hours home with me smelling with like THAT. But to my great joy the skunk turned and waltzed right on out of there!
That was my third run in with a skunk this year. It was another weekend with no deer down, and where I come from that’s called getting skunked.

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