Monday, November 26, 2012

Crunch Time!

Two of my hit list bucks reappeared on the trail cam!  #1 on the list, "Toothpic", I named after the long kicker coming off his left g2.  Unfortunately he broke off his g3 which would have made him a impressive main frame 6x5.  #3 on the list, "White Collar", I named because he is just a nice clean healthy 10.  You can't really see in the video but in my 18 yard encounter earlier this year I could see he also has split brows. #2, if your wondering, is unnamed. I saw him only once and have no pictures but he is a very big 10. Unfortunately there are only four days of bow season left and only 2-3 more bow hunts for me!  I have only drawn my bow twice and haven't let an arrow go yet. Hopefully I get a chance one of these mature bucks this week!

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