Saturday, November 10, 2012

Deer Movement Update: after 100 hours in the stand

I've been hunting in Northern Minnesota this past week.  Deer movement was very slow. I only saw a dozen does the whole week.  The bucks that were seen (by my family and people I talked to) were chasing does.  I believe the slower deer movement was due to the amount of wolf and coyote sign.  Lots of tracks, a few sightings, and one doe we shot had been attacked.  If you think trapping or shooting wolves is inhuman you should see what they do to a fawn or calf.   Anyway I haven't hunted Iowa in a little more than a week.  But I broke a personal record this week logging my 100th hour in the stand this year and after getting caught up reading/watching Iowa Sportsman and Midwest Whitetail I'd have to say the rut is in full swing!  Historically today, November 10th, is the peak of the rut activity. I've been picky this year but I will score, Lord willing, so keep checking the blog. Looking forward to pic up the Bear again and hit the Iowa woods! Get out in the stand and good luck!

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