Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Half Marathon

Even Heavy rain storms could not keep us from running! After an hour delay for rain we finally started the race.  Eric and I started out strong the first 3k which came back to bite me at the end.   Despite having a side ache and a shoulder cramp I was able to run a very strong first 10k for my standards.  We ran a 7 minute mile downhill mid race at one point which was reassuring :) Bulldog hill (mile 11-12) was grueling, although I held pace up it I was completely exhausted at the top.  The last mile and a half I had to dig pretty deep mentally but was able to hold on.  When training we were shooting for a sub 2 hour race but for line ups I was optimistic and put down 1:55.  My finish time, after my start up deduction (time from gun till when I actually crossed the start line), was 1:54:55. I finished with 5 seconds to spare! All in all it was a fun experience and good for me to push myself. 

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