Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trukey Frustrations

I feel like good old Wile E. Coyote.   Nothing I try is going right this turkey season.  I have seen only a handful of Tom's as compared to probably 50 hens, fox, coyotes, and countless deer.   Missed a Tom on alert at the far reach of my shotgun range on Sunday morning before church.   This morning I got set up withing 200yds of 3-5 Tom's all gobbling.  One being roosted only 50 yards from me.  I heard them leave the roost and my blood pressure was on the rise.  Shortly there after a friendly coyote decided to check out my decoys and spooked the turks.   That was just about his last move... :)   I'm heading out in the morning with a new box of Acme tricks up my sleeve so we'll see how it goes!

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