Saturday, May 18, 2013

Master Angler Brookie!

Had some great success on our camping trip last weekend.   No turkeys were killed but were able to catch a pile of trout.   I was also able to catch my second Iowa Master Angler fish a 15.5" brook trout!  I caught it by sight fishing with a black hares ear nymph.  Looking forward to doing some more fly fishing and deer scouting in the next couple months!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Got my 2012 Muzzy Buck Back!

For those of you who didn't get to here my story it is posted on the link on the right hand side of my blog!  I am supper happy with my first wall hanger!   I have some really cool details to share with you guys about my deer hunting season next year and some new details on hit list bucks will be coming soon!  In addition to that my buddies are taking a weekend trip up to northern Iowa to fish and turkey hunt I'll keep you posted!

Trukey Frustrations

I feel like good old Wile E. Coyote.   Nothing I try is going right this turkey season.  I have seen only a handful of Tom's as compared to probably 50 hens, fox, coyotes, and countless deer.   Missed a Tom on alert at the far reach of my shotgun range on Sunday morning before church.   This morning I got set up withing 200yds of 3-5 Tom's all gobbling.  One being roosted only 50 yards from me.  I heard them leave the roost and my blood pressure was on the rise.  Shortly there after a friendly coyote decided to check out my decoys and spooked the turks.   That was just about his last move... :)   I'm heading out in the morning with a new box of Acme tricks up my sleeve so we'll see how it goes!