Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It was a fantastic 2012 Deer Season for me.  I was able to harvest 5 deer and my freezer is full!  Time to enjoy the fruits of my hunting season!  Here is a pic of my 2012 bow buck.  I didn't spend alot of time on it rather just did a quick European mount.  My muzzy buck is at the taxidermist and is scheduled to be done June/July and I cannot wait to see it on the wall!  Haven't done much in the outdoors in the past couple weeks but look to get out to do some shed hunting and scouting for next year in the next month or so.  I'm also trying to decide what hunts I want to do next year: black bear, antelope, mule deer, Kansas whitetail, Nebraska Turkeys, Kansas turkeys... so many options and not enough money or time to do them all... :) Have a great day!

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