Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Deer movement update:  After sitting 40+ hours in 4 different locations through Iowa I can conclude that we still need a couple weeks to get the big boys up and moving during daylight.  Lots of does moving even in mid-day but the bucks are only being seen right before and after dusk.  Your best bet it to stay inside and watch football for the next week or so.  Last year I took my bow buck on October 25 and he was the first mature buck I saw during day light that season.   That last week in October seems to start the magic known as the rut!  As soon as we get a cold snap in late October it is time to get in the stand.  When November hits, if you want to get that buck of a lifetime, you better be in the stand those first couple weeks.  As my Grandpa used to say, "You don't catch fish unless your line is in the water", and you won't consistently shoot mature bucks unless you hunt the rut.  So don't burn yourself out, run out of time off work, or over hunt your good spots early in the season.   You can train deer to avoid spots they feel uncomfortable in.  So save your "key play" spots for those cold early November days. 

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