Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

It was a slow bow season but it's not over yet!  The late split started on Monday and I'll be hitting the woods with some buddies during the late muzzloader season. With two weeks of hunting left and two tags who knows what could happen! Pictures to come Lord willing! On this Chirstmas don't forget the reason for this season: Christ, my (and hopefully your), Savior came to earth as a baby to one day die for the sins of the world! The most amazing story ever! John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bow Season Update

It's been a very slow season for me.   I know there are good bucks around I just have not hardly seen any.  I had a good one my very first hunt of November that never presented a shot.  Then a week ago I saw a really nice buck (could have been toothpic) chasing a doe but never came closer than 100 yds.  But that is all except for a few 1.5 year old bucks.   I have one more chance tomorrow afternoon hopefully something comes by.