Saturday, November 9, 2013

Big Buck Down!

 My cousin was able to harvest this public land Iowa monster tonight.  A quick tape job said 170ish with over 20" of non-typical stuff! So happy and proud for him! #PTL

Got more pics of two hit list bucks: white-collar (I have his matching sheds from last year) and wide ten! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Movement Update

Finally starting to see some bucks with does and the fresh scrapes are starting to pop up!  Time to log some time in the woods!  I'm up to 8 bucks I've passed up including a 10 pnt (pictured above) which is a first for me.  Still looking for the big one!

First Blood

I let my buddy hunt one of my stand and he was able to harvest his first Iowa buck! Congrats Jeremy!

Halloween Nightmare

Here are some updated pictures of toothpic.  I finally got the courage to update the blog of my Halloween night hunt.   After a long absence on the trailcam I got pics of toothpic again.  I decided to chance it and go sit where he was moving.  Much to my amazement he showed up at 6:00pm. Watching him through the brush for 15+ minutes gave me  plenty of time to check out his 15pnt rack.  He eventually moved into 15 yards slightly quartering away!  I was shaking and my mind was in a fog!  I was already envisioning my hands on those tines!  I let the arrow fly but to my horror the arrow flew slighty left and hit square in the shoulder bone making a loud crack at impact.   I let him lay all night and prayed that I got enough penetration.   After a sleepless night I went after him and immediately found the arrow but was very discouraged to see absolutely no penetration at all and not a drop of blood on the ground or the arrow.  The good news is he might be a gimp for awhile but he should be fine.   I can't even say how disappointed I am after so much scouting and work over two years and that it came down to my lack of focus on an easy shot as to why I don't have him.  But that's hunting and I'm hopeful to get another opportunity at him.   It is amazing to see that one inch can make the difference between a perfect shot and a missed opportunity.   I was thinking about it all and what I can learn from the situation while walking back to the road.  I was struck by how great a reminder that it was that just like one small error can cause you a big buck, it just takes one sin for us to fall short of heaven (Romans 3:23).   How thankful should I be that God provided a way to solve that problem!  (Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:26, Romans 10:9-10, and Ephesians 2:8-9 are some interesting verses to ponder).