Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The reason for the season!

There are lots of seasons we experience: hunting seasons, seasons in weather, and even different holiday seasons.  This is the most important of all, Christmas!  As we spend time with family take some time to remember the reason for the season and reflect upon what Christ has done for us.   Remember Christmas without Christ is just a mess!   John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!"  What an amazing gift Christ offers us as undeserving people!  Romans 10:9-10.  

I am leaving tomorrow for the late season muzzle loader hunt!  I just got for Christmas a new camo Russel APX all weather outfit and am very excited to try out!  We had very good luck last year and hope to carry that over! Look for the update next week!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Last minute!

With shotgun season winding down by brother finally got some time away from school to go hunting.  So we gather up some buddies and headed out into the woods.  We weren't able to get him a deer unfortunately but at last light I was able to score on a mature doe and got my first iron sight kill.  I just love the smoke after the shot which the muzzle loader gives!  I hope to get him a good buck next year. I'll be heading home for Christmas this weekend before a late season muzzle loader hunt in southern Iowa to cap off my 2012 season.   I wish you all a Merry Christmas! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Meat Hunting!

It was time to get some meat on the table. Watch the video from this weeks hunt to see my first shotgun kill @ 130 yards with a T/C Encore 20 gauge.  Keep posted for updates as my buddy shot a big one on Saturday and it has a very cool story.  Be looking for that next week. Also wish us luck as my brother along with a couple other buddies head to southern Iowa on Saturday!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lucky #3

Tuesday morning I got out into the stand for the last time.   I wasn't looking for a monster; I was looking to make something happen.  As it turns out, according to my calculations this was my 30th hunt and I was at 133 hours in the stand without a single shot taken.   After a bone chilling 9 degree morning, several does and three small bucks came in.  Only one gave me a shot while it was checking a Wildlife Research Center scrape dripper.  I finally let an arrow go, and it found its target at 34 yards.  He only went 70 yards before expiring!  Interestingly enough, that was my third shot at a deer with my Bear bow and the third deer I've killed with it!  The other deer stuck around for another half hour, so by the time I took my post hunt video the adrenaline rush was wearing off.  I was super happy to capitalize on this last hunt of my 2012 bow season.  Shotgun season is coming up next week, and I'll be trying to get my first deer with a pistol! Good luck and safe hunting to all you!